I hate the standardized tests. They are so unfair. Some smart kids don't understand the tests and get bad grads on them . Also, they are stupid and take up too much time. My sister had her trip to see the play Romeo and Juliet canceled because of the E.L.A. (the English language arts test). Lets give 3 boos for standardized tests.
BOO! Here is another bad thing about the tests: Some questions don't have set answers!
Test hatingly,
Hi. This is the First Post. Not the second post, or the third post, but the First Post. My blog is not really about some thing. I am Chestnut. I look like this:
O.K, not really. Except the hair. Only my hair is shorter. I am ((((3-1)+4)x2)/4)x3+1 years old. The first person to comment will get a prize, which is secret. What the prize is is spelled out by the first lettes of these words when they are unscrambled:
anp/ a quick sleep
herto/ something else
ond/ saying yes with your head
emyne/ a person you are against
O.K, maybe its not so secret.
Happy puzzle solving!
P.S. Use the clues.